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Black Eyed Peas revine!

E OFICIAL! Black Eyed Peas revine in 2015 si va lansa muzica noua in curand! Liderul trupei a confirmat reunirea unuia dintre cele mai de succes proiecte pop din ultimii 20 de ani!

Black Eyed Peas a lansat ultimul single in 2011 prin Don\’t Stop the Party, hit extras de pe albumul The Beginning. De atunci, hiturile vechi sunt difuzate la orice petrecere si se regasesc in orice seara din club.

2015 marcheaza aniversarea a 20 de ani de existenta pentru Black Eyed Peas iar a venit cu detalii intr-un interviu pentru radioul britanic Capital FM si a confirmat OFICIAL ca vor lansa ceva nou anul acesta:

OK, I can\’t give too many details, but there’s a bunch of Pea Bodies out there that we\’ve been tweeting back and forth for the past couple of days over the excitement of twenty years of Black Eyed Peas. We\’re going to have new music. We\’ll have a bunch of new experiences. I don\’t want to call them albums, but we\’ll have some experiences and a bunch of stuff to get the Pea Bodies and the folks that supported us and got us to this point. So we\’ll make music for them and we\’ll just reflect on the dream. The initial dream we had, June 1995.

Fergie a incercat o revenire muzicala la finalul anului trecut cu LA Love insa nu a avut niciun impact in topuri. a avut zeci de colaborari cu artisti cunoscuti insa singurul succes major din ultimii ani a fost Scream and shout cu Britney Spears. Insa muzica lui nu a aofst indeajuns de puternica incat sa il ajute la un turneu solo.

I gotta felling, that this year’s gonna be a good good year!

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