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Cum suna vocea lui Britney Spears needitata?

Nu e nici un secret pentru nimeni ca vocile pe piese sunt intotdeauna foarte editate si trecute printr-o multime de filtre pentru a suna bine. Cum se aude insa produsul brut de la care pleaca totul, aflam intr-o inregistrare a piesei Alien, track aflat pe cel mai nou album al lui Britney Spears.


Dupa ce inregistrarea a inceput sa faca furori pe net, pana si producatorul William Orbit a luat atitudine si a scris cateva cuvinte despre procesul de inregistrare, luan apararea printesei pop. Orbit precizeaza ca pana se ajunge la un produs final, ceva de care sa inceapa lucrul efectiv la piesa se inregistreaza mai multe bucati, iar primele nu sunt intotdeauna cele mai reusite. Producatorul adauga si ca aparitia pe internet a uneia asemenea inregistrari nu e un lucru OK, ci mai degraba o rautate.

Dearest Music Lovers, I have heard that Britney vocal link that everybody’s been discussing. It has been impossible not to as there have been many comments directing my attention to it. [I won’t re-posting it here]. I\’d like to affirm that ANY singer when first at the mic at the start of a long session can make a multitude of vocalisations in order to get warmed up.

Warming up is essential if you’re a pro, as it is with a runner doing stretches, and it takes a while to do properly. I’ve heard all manner of sounds emitted during warmups. The point is that it is not supposed to be shared with millions of listeners.

A generous singer will put something down the mic to help the engineer get their systems warmed up and at the right level, maybe whilst having a cup of herb tea and checking through lyrics before the session really kicks off. It’s not expected to be a ‘take’.

I think that 99% of you reading this will totally understand.

Whomever put this on the internet must have done so in a spirit of unkindness, but it can in no way detract from the fact that Britney is and always will be beyond Stellar! She is magnificent! And that’s that.

Povestile despre cum suna cu adevarat vocea lui Britney Spears, numeroasele acuzatii de playback si zvonurile ca showurile ei sunt departe de a fi live, mai ales datorita numerelor de dans. Chiar si asa, BritBrit are o serie de concerte in LAs Vegas la Planet Hollywood care se vand foarte bine si care i-au adus o multime de bani in conturi. Managementul s-a axat mult pe promovarea acestor evenimente incat albumul Britney Jean a fost trecut cu vederea, doua doua singleuri fiind lansate oficial – Work Bitch si Perfume, Alien nemafiind promovat. 

Ce ziceti de publicarea acestei inregistrari? Va surprinde in vreun fel vocea lui Britney?

Sincerely, William

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