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Jennifer Lopez, senzuala si senzationala in Complex!

Jennifer Lopez demonstreaza, inca o data, ca nu trebuie sa fii tanara pentru a putea fi sexy. Diva latino are 45 de ani, doi copii si o cariera de succes si nu se teme sa fie senzuala sau sa recunoasca ca a fost devastata atunci cand a divortat de Marc Anthony.

Pentru cei care nu sunt familiarizati cu cariera artistei, J. Lo a inceput intai ca dansatoare, apoi a jucat in filme si apoi a devenit cantareata, demonstrand ca poti face tot ceea ce iti doresti cu putina ambitie, implinind astfel si visul mamei sale, care nu a putut sa isi urmeze talentul. A avut si filme proaste, precum Gigli, dar si filme bune in care a da replica unor actori ca Robert Retford si care sunt mai putin cunoscute de catre public. In 2012 a fost aleasa cea mai tare vedeta de catre Forbes, dupa ce cu un an in urma semnase cu American Idol.

Anul trecut, a venit cu un nou album, A.K.A. si cu un videoclip, Booty,  care a reusit sa starneasca o multime de comentarii. Si-a afisat fundul, cel despre care intreaga lume vorbeste, alaturi de o alta cantareata care a are jumatate din varsta ei, iar asta a generat controverse si peste 80 de milioane de vizualizari. Cu toate acestea, Jennifer Lopez a recunoscut ca lupta constant cu neincrederea in sine.

Talking about self-esteem, when my first marriage didn’t work out, my second marriage didn’t work out, and I was with Marc [Anthony] and I was trying to make it work, and that didn’t work out, it was devastating. Each time I felt like such a failure, from what I’d been taught. Those are things that grate on your self-esteem. “OK, I failed. Why can’t I make this work?” But it forces you to look at yourself in the best way possible. I’m grateful for all those trials and tribulations because with that you gain perseverance and the desire to learn and grow.

J.Lo e genul de parinte care isi pune intrebarea daca povestile despre Feti Frumosi sunt potrivite pentru copiii din ziua astazi. Isi doreste ca fata si baiatul ei sa intealaga ca asteptarile sunt in primul rand de la sine si apoi de la ceilalti, iar fiecare trebuie sa invete sa se iubeasca pe sine si sa aprecieze asa cum e.

Little girls are taught that especially. Prince Charming is gonna come along. You’re going to live happily ever after, and then that doesn’t happen. You have your first boyfriend in high school and that falls apart and you’re like, “What’s going on?” [Laughs.] All of these things get shattered one by one. It’s so unfair. Nobody teaches us the important thing from when we’re young, which is to value yourself and love yourself, and then you can share happiness and love with other people. That’s what we should be teaching kids, not fairy tales about Prince Charming rescuing you. Or that you have to be Prince Charming and rescue this girl. It’s funny, we’re formed from the time we’re 0 to 7. We’re battling the rest of our lives trying to figure that out. And now that I have my own kids, I think about that stuff a lot, like, what do I want to teach them? I want them to have fantasies and the fairy tales and all that, but at the same time I want them to know what is important, which is to have a great sense of self and to be good on their own.

Intrebata ce parere are despre vedetele ale caror poze personale apar pe net si in presa fara voia lor, Jennifer Lopez raspunde clar:

It’s an invasion of privacy. You want to think that you can have privacy in this world—even with your devices. When people think it’s OK to do stuff like that for entertainment purposes and to embarrass people or take their intimate private moments, it’s cruel. It should be punishable.

Oh! When you become rich and famous, you don’t have feelings anymore?! That’s what it is. OK! C’mon. It’s not about having money in the bank. You can have all the money in the world and it doesn’t mean you’re a happy person. Money doesn’t solve problems. It makes some things easier but it just gives you a different set of problems. Everything has a trade-off in this world. I’ve learned that from being broke as hell and having money.

Vine greu de crezut ca o vedeta ca Jennifer Lopez, care are o cariera extinsa, bani in cont si arata si bine are probleme cu increderea in sine. Si totusi, J. Lo recunoaste ca s-a confruntat cu problema aceasta , iar oamenii frumos nu sunt scutiti de asemenea dileme.

People are more surprised when they hear that somebody who is attractive is insecure. I don’t understand that because, again, we’re all human. Nobody looks in the mirror and goes, “That person is so perfect!” It’s just the nature of a human being that they have insecurities. You try to do things that you’re proud of to boost up your self-esteem and your integrity. At the end of the day, you’re the only person who can give that to you. That’s something that everybody struggles with at one time or another. I’m no different than anybody else in that sense.

Evident, foarte multe comentarii si ironii au aparut cand diva a lansat piesa Jenny from the Block, acuzand-o de ipocrizie. Ea recunoaste, in schimb, ca nu s-a simtit confortabil la Hollywood, insa inteligenta de strada pe care a prins-o crescand pe strazile din Bronx a ajutat-o.

People are dumb enough to have thought that you meant it literally, like you were still in the ’hood, or “She’s changed, she’s different, she’s so rich now, she’s not the same.” It was a huge hit at the time, so I never thought of it in any negative way. I didn’t feel like people were saying that—it’s probably better that I didn’t know. And it’s become that defining song for me. In every concert I play, when I say, “I’m still Jenny from the block,” people love it. [Laughs.] And they know I’ve been successful. Thank God I’ve been blessed in that way. But I’m the same person. They know that I’m still Bronx-y. [Laughs.] I still wear hoops. I still like to rock sneakers and sweats.

Jennifer Lopez trimite si un mesaj de incurajare pentru toate femeile: chiar daca are 40 de ani si e mama, poate fi sexy, cum altfel ar fi avut copii. Nu ar trebui ca nimic din ceea ce facem sa fie influentat de ceea ce gandesc oamenii din jur.

I’m not allowed to be sexy because I’m a mom? It’s like, How do you think I got my children? [Laughs.] The truth is I don’t want to do anything that they would be embarrassed of in the long run. But at the end of the day, they care more about me being there, taking care of them, than if I’m sexy in a video. And I’m not saying that one day they may not be like, “Mom! Why did you do that?!” [Laughs.] But I don’t think that in 10 years I’m going to be doing that either. Again, it’s about what feels good to me in this moment. It felt right. It’s a good message for women. I’m standing next to this girl who is 24 years old and I’m in my 40s and there’s no difference. Women need to see that and feel that. You can’t let the fear of what people might say or think stop you from doing what you want to do or else we would never do anything.

In plus, J.Lo se simte mult mai sigura pe sine acum decat o facea la 20 de ani pentru ca s-a maturizat si vede lucrurile altfel.

I feel great about being able to do everything that I did in my 20s better now. That’s what happens as you mature, you get better. You have more experience. And I’m proud of that. That other rhetoric, like the fairy tale rhetoric, in your mind can defeat you. And this generation of women said, “No. We have a lot to offer.” Probably more than we ever have. And it’s great for girls that are young right now to go, “I have time.” It’s a long road. And for me, I feel like mine has just begun.


La finalul lui 2014, cantareata a lansat si primul ei documentar care a urmarit-o in cadrul turneului Dance Again, primul ei moment de acest gen, pentru ca pana acum nu a venit cu materiale filmate in turneu, nici macar live-uri.  Chiar daca noul ei album, A.K.A., nu a avut impactul pe care il aveau precedentele, piesa First Love a prins la public si a beneficiat de unul dintre cele mai bune videoclipuri pe care vedeta le-a lansat pana acum. Nici I Luh Ya Papi nu a avut un mesaj rau, insa nu a prins la fel de bine. 
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