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Jessie J – Poate in America imi voi intalni barbatul visurilor!

Jessie J apare pe coperta celui mai nou numar din Cosmopolitan UK si nu se sfieste deloc sa spuna ce gandeste. Cantareata britanica recunoaste ca e single si isi cauta iubirea adevarata, iar SUA ar putea fi locul unde poate intalni barbatul visurilor.

Jesssi J povesteste despre cum mariajul parintilor ei, care dureaza de peste 30 de ani, i-a oferit cel mai bun exemplu despre ce inseamna o relatie adevarata:

I\’m still finding my feet in love. Maybe America is the place I\’ll meet the man of my dreams? My mum and dad have been together 36 years and they\’ve shown me what real love is like. When you have that to look up to, you know you have to get it right. I like a guy who can make me laugh.

In plus, cantareata recunoaste ca o deranjeaza comentariile despre viata ei personala, pentru ca pana la urma e o femeie de 26 de ani care face sex si care e inca o romantica: I\’m 26 and I want to have kids in the next four to eight years – obviously not right now. But I\’m not 16; I\’m a woman and I live a 26-year-old woman’s life: I have relationships and I have sex… and that’s OK… I\’m growing up and I don\’t want to obscure any parts of me or take them away.

I think with Instagram and Twitter, romance has lost its way. It’s all, \’Oh I\’ve got this girl but I could have this one and I can contact her directly right this minute.\’ I think if we lost technology for a year there would be more people getting married!

Simpatica britanica puncteaza si ca o deranjeaza speculatiile pe seama sanatatii ei. Jessie J recunoaste ca are problema cu inima, iar faptul ca le vede puse pe tapet de diverse publicatii nu face lucrurile cu nimic mai usoare:

But of everything, hearing stories that aren\’t true about myself and being ill are the hardest things I\’ve had to deal with over the past few years. It never gets easier. When I was first in the public eye my heart condition and health problems were spoken about a lot. That hasn\’t gone away just because I\’ve had some success. I still go to hospital. There are times when I have palpitations and I have to get on with it. I\’m not on medication anymore but I have to balance my lifestyle and my diet, and not push myself. When I don\’t feel well I stop. You have to let the badness out like a bruise.

La finalul zilei insa, Jessie J ramane un om normal, ca toti ceilalti, cu prieteni care ii sunt alaturi si cu o familie care o sustine si pe care inca se bazeaza.

My family are amazing. They are my friends too… We take the piss out of each other and admit when we\’ve done or worn something stupid. My dad gives great advice, too… I get things wrong and make mistakes. It’s hard when your whole life is under a magnifying glass. Mum and Dad are so good at calming me down. When I was really ill recently, I had to cancel a show. I got so upset about everything that I was in tears. Mum and Dad came over and brought me pie and mash and just sat with me and watched TV.

Cantareata nu uita sa adauge cateva cuvinte despre noul ei album, cel de-al treilea din cariera, care va iesi in doar cateva zile. Pana acum, primul single a ajuns pe primele locuri in Hot 100 si pe prima pozitie in clasamentul din tara natala. Bang Bang, un featuring cu Ariana Grande si Nicki Minaj care beneficaiza de un clip foarte colorat si fun.

With this album I\’ve loosened up… it goes really deep and it’s personal. There’s a song called Your Loss I\’m Found, and I cried the whole way through the first time I recorded it.

Intre timp, Jessie J a venit cu cel de-al doilea single, Burnin\’ Up, iar cei care au precomandat albumul ei au primit si piesa Personal, o balada frumoasa pe care o puteti asculta aici

Cum vi se pare Jessie J dupa ce ati citit acest interviu?


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