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Kesha si Dr. Luke se dau in judecata reciproc pentru abuz, defaimare si bataie

Saptamana aceasta Kesha si Dr. Luke au tinut titlurile revistelor de specialitate dupa ce au ajuns sa dea in judecata reciproc. Cantareata il acuza pe producator ca a violat-o, agresat-o fizic si ca din cauza lui a ajuns la reabilitare, in timp ce Dr. Luke spune ca e doar o schema ca sa scape de contract.


Fanii lui Kesha au facut in urma cu ceva vreme chiar o petitie in care ii cereau producatorului sa o elibereze pe cantareata de contractul ei de exclusivitate si sa ii lase o mai mare libertate artistica. Procesul inca nu a inceput, dar la scurt timp dupa ce presa a aflat vestea bomba, producatorul a decis sa o dea, la randul sau, pe Kesha in judecata pentru defaimare si incalcarea termenilor contractului, iar pe reprezentatii artistei ii acuza ca se baga in acest proces pentru a a obtine mai multi bani din drepturile ei.

La rampa a iesit si mama artistei, Pebe Sebert, care l-ar fi amenintat intr-un mail pe Lukasz Dr. Luke Gottwald ca daca nu o elibereaza pe fiica ei de contract, ea va da publicitatii toate aceste informatii.

Lucrurile sunt foarte simple: in 2005 Kesha a fost descoperita si a semnat un contract cu Dr. Luke prin care era obligata sa lanseze alaturi de el sase albume, iar o parte din incasari si drepturile de autor i-ar fi revenit lui. Totusi, artista sustine ca intr-o seara acest a drogat-o si a violat-o, iar cu alta ocazie a atacat-o pana la punctul in care a fost nevoita sa fuga pe strada in picioarele goale.

After forcing Ms. Sebert to drink with him, Dr. Luke instructed Ms. Sebert to take what he described as ‘sober pills\’ in order for her to sober up. Ms. Sebert took the pills and woke up the following afternoon, naked in Dr. Luke’s bed, sore and sick, with no memory of how she got there. Ms. Sebert later learned that the ‘sober pills\’ Dr. Luke had given her were…more commonly known as the date rape drug, allowing him to bring Ms. Sebert back to his hotel room alone and rape her while she was unconscious.

Mai mult, se pare ca Dr. Luke este unul dintre motivele pentru care Kesha a ajuns sa sufere de tulburari alimentare si sa isi shimbe parerea despre propria persoana:

You are not that pretty, he allegedly told her. You are not that talented. You are just lucky to have me. He also reportedly called the singer a fat fucking refrigerator.

In plus, el ar fi amenintat-o ca ii va face si rau familiei sale, iar Kesha l-a crezut in stare: What you have to understand about him is, he thinks that because he’s got more money than he knows what to do with, that he can take these young impressionable artists and destroy them.

Kesha a luat decizia de a-l da in judecata pe Dr. Luke, cel care i-a construit cariera muzicala, ca parte a procesului ei de vindecare dupa o perioada foarte neagra din viata ei.

The facts presented in our lawsuit paint a picture of a man who is controlling and willing to commit horrible acts of abuse in an attempt to intimidate an impressionable, talented, young female artist into submission for his personal gain. Kesha is focused on moving her life and her career beyond this terrible time.

Evident, producatorul si reprezentatii acestuia au negat toate acuzatiile si au inceput propriile lor demersuri in a o acuza pe Kesha de defaimare si de o incercare de a scapa de contractul ei cu Dr. Luke.

These statements and allegations concerning Dr. Luke are completely false. It is unfortunate that at a time Kesha is suffering immensely and trying to heal at a treatment center, her mother is taking this approach with the media. I give Kesha my utmost support and well wishes for a quick return to health.

As part of the effort to get out of the Gottwald Recording Agreement, Kesha and Pebe have also orchestrated a campaign of publishing false and shocking accusations against Gottwald to extort Plaintiffs into letting Kesha out of the Gottwald Recording Agreement.

Kesha nu a uitat sa le multumeasca fanilor si promite ca in curand va lansa si alte piese, mult mai potrivite cu personalitatea, din moment ce se pare ca imaginea construita de Dr. Luke pentru ea nu e una potrivita.

I feel stronger now. Strong enough to admit that I needed help and strong enough to have faced it head on…. Even I need to be reminded that we are who we are. I feel like my fans are really protective of me. They just want to see me grow as an artist, which I agree with. Hopefully in the future, I\’ll be in a position where I can put out a ballad or a more vulnerable song.

What’s been put out as singles have just perpetuated a particular image that may or may not be entirely accurate, she said. I\’d like to show the world other sides of my personality. I don\’t want to just continue putting out the same song and becoming a parody of myself. I have so much more to offer than that and I can\’t wait [until] the world really gets to hear that on the radio.

Ultima oara cand am ascutat-o pe Kesha a fost pe single-ul Timber, piesa lui Pitbull care l-a adus din nou in fruntea clasamentelor muzicale. Cel mai recent single al ei solo e din 2013 cand a promovat albumul Warrior. Atunci a lansat mai multe piese printre care C\’mon si Crazy Kids. Dr. Luke e unul dintre hitmakerii industriei muzicale si a lucrat alaturi de Katy Perry (I Kissed a Girl, California Gurls, E.T., T.G.I.F.), Kelly Clarkson (Since U Been Gone), Pink (Who Knew)

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