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Lana del Rey: M-am culcat cu oameni din industrie ca sa am succes!

Lana del Rey continua seria declaratiilor socante in care recunoaste cum se simte cu adevarat. Cantareata nu se sfieste sa spuna ca unele piese sunt inspirate fix din viata ei reala, asa cum detractorii si sustinatorii ei banuiau deja.

Lana del Rey e un artist nonconformist si in ciuda succesului ei urias in mainstream reuseste sa se mentina la un nivel mai degraba de indie decat de vedeta pop. In ultima perioada, cantareata se tine numai de declaratii ciudate, de la a spune ca si-a dorit sa moara, pana la a admite ca relatia ei s-a incheiat tocmai pentru ca e foarte depresiva.

Probably the relationship I’ve been in for the last three years. Definitely demolished that through tons of depression and insecurity. Now it’s just an untenable relationship, impossible because of my emotional instability.

Declaratia surprinzatoare, din aceasta serie deja plictisitoare pentru unii, nu e altceva decat o confimare pentru felul in care functioneaza industria muzicala, unde se pare ca e nevoie sa te culci cu oamenii potriviti pentru a avea macar o sansa la succes. Daca e o reteta care functioneaza sau nu, ne spune chiar Lana del Rey: It’s commentary, like, “I know what you think of me,” and I’m alluding to that. You know, I have slept with a lot of guys in the industry, but none of them helped me get my record deals. Which is annoying.

Declaratia a fost facuta in cadrul unui amplu interviu luat de revista Complex, material din care aflam cum Lana bea cel putin 13 cafele pe zi, fumeaza de rupe, mai ales cand se afla pe scena, si ca un al doilea disc nu ar mai fi aparut pentru ca nu credea ca e suficient de personal.

I started to see a bigger picture. For me, if I don’t have a concept it’s not worth writing a whole album. I don’t like it if there’s no story.

In plus, Lana del Rey a invatat foarte repede ceva ce unele vedete invata dupa multi ani petrecuti in industrie si dupa multe chinuri si chiar momente pe la terapeut:

The good thing about catching so much grief from critics is that you literally do not fucking care. It put me in a mind frame where I expect things not to go right, because they generally don’t. But it’s not a pessimistic place. The music is always good, in my opinion. That’s what I expect now from my career, that the music is going to be great and the reaction’s going to be fucked up.

If they thought it was supposed to be categorized as pop music, that was the first mistake. It wasn’t made to be popular. It was more of a psychological music endeavor. I wasn’t out to make fun, verse-chorus-verse-chorus songs. I was unraveling my history through music. People were confused as to why I would stand on stage and just sing and not perform. To me, performing is just channeling and emoting through inflection, cadence, phrasing. That’s pretty different from what’s popular, so I think maybe they thought it shouldn’t be popular. What do you think?

Totusi, cantareata inca nu e multumita si se pare ca nici toate discurile de aur si de platina de pe perete nu te pot face fericit daca ceea ce auzi in jur nu e de bine:

I don’t feel like things have gone well. It’s not the way I would have chosen them to go. So it’s not like I feel everything’s turned around and it’s great.

Yeah, but I still didn’t find that community of people I was looking for, like the way Bob Dylan found his friends, or the respect of being a writer. Because that gold and platinum stuff, it doesn’t mean as much if you’re walking down the street and you can hear people saying things about you. That doesn’t even out.

Chiar si asa, albumul Ultraviolence s-a vandut foarte bine, lasand-o in urma pe Jennifer Lopez, o artista cu un fan base mult mai mare si un potential de promo urias in spate. Piesa West Coast a ajuns in clasamentul Billboard inca dinainte de a fi lansata, iar asta nu a facut decat sa creasca succesul tinerei cantarete, atat de criticata prima oara cand a aparut live.

Vi se pare ca Lana recunoaste ceva ce alte cantarete nu ar indrazni? Interviul vi se pare sincer sau e doar de PR?


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