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Nicki Minaj reaprinde conflictul cu Miley Cyrus

Toata lumea s-a intrebat daca momentul in care Nicki Minaj a atacat-o pe Miley Cyrus la MTV VMA anul acesta a fost regizat sau nu. Dupa ultimul interviu pe care rapperita l-a dat pentru New York Times avem si raspunsul, mai ales ca Nicki a continuat sa o atace pe cantareata.

Intreg conflictul a inceput dupa Nicki Minaj si-a manifestat nemultumirea legata de lipsa nominalizarii Anaconda la MTV Video of the Year. Rapperita a pus-o pe seama rasismului si faptului ca media de astazi apreciaza mai degraba siluetele silfide decat pe cele mai pline. Conflictul s-a amplificat si dupa ce Taylor Swift s-a apucat sa ii raspunda, insa cele doua au reusit sa se inteleaga in final si sa apara impreuna pe scena.

Nicki, insa, nu a iertat-o pe Miley, care a spus ca nu ii respecta parerea pentru ca vine mai degraba din oftica si ca a reusit sa transforme problema intr-un cu ea si Taylor Swift. ut I don’t respect your statement because of the anger that came with it.

And it’s not anger like, “Guys, I’m frustrated about some things that are a bigger issue.” You made it about you. Not to sound like a bitch, but that’s like, “Eh, I didn’t get my V.M.A.” If you want to make it about race, there’s a way you could do that. But don’t make it just about yourself. Say: “This is the reason why I think it’s important to be nominated. There’s girls everywhere with this body type.” In plus, Miley a facut-o pe Nicki nepoliticoasa si deloc amabila, ceea ce a amplificat reactiile rapperitei al carei microfon a fost taiat in timpul interventiei la MTV VMA.

Asa ca rapperita a profitat de prima ocazie, un interviu in New York Times, si a pus din nou problema pe tapet. Intr-un fel, Nicki are dreptate si atata timp cat Miley a inceput sa promoveze twerking-ul, care provine din cultura celor de culoare, sa cante cu rapperi de culoare si asa mai departe, ar trebui sa fie mult mai sensibila la problemele rasiale. 

The fact that you feel upset about me speaking on something that affects black women makes me feel like you have some big balls. You’re in videos with black men, and you’re bringing out black women on your stages, but you don’t want to know how black women feel about something that’s so important? Come on, you can’t want the good without the bad. If you want to enjoy our culture and our lifestyle, bond with us, dance with us, have fun with us, twerk with us, rap with us, then you should also want to know what affects us, what is bothering us, what we feel is unfair to us. You shouldn’t not want to know that.’’

In acelasi interviu, Nicki a reusit sa trimita reporterul la plimbare dupa ce a aceasta a pus o intrebare nepotrivita legata de coflictul dintre Drake, bunul ei prieten, si iubitul Meek Mill. Cei doi si-au aruncat pastile, diss-uri si piese toata vara, atacandu-se reciproc.Pe langa asta, a aparut si conflictul dintre Lil Wayne, cel care a promovat-o pe Nicki, si Birdman, boss-ul casei de discuri, acuzatiile de frauda, tentativa de omor si furt fiind la ordinea zilei.


   ‘They’re men, grown-ass men. It’s between them. It doesn’t make me feel good. You don’t ever want to choose sides between people you love. It’s ridiculous. I just want it to be over.’’‘That’s disrespectful. Why would a grown-ass woman thrive off drama? What do the four men you just named have to do with me thriving off drama? Why would you even say that? That’s so peculiar. Four grown-ass men are having issues between themselves, and you’re asking me do I thrive off drama?’’

Intre timp, Nicki Minaj isi vede de muzica, The Night is Still Young se afla in continuare in playlisturile radiourilor si a bifat si un featuring cu Robin Thicke – Let’s Get Back Together. In plus, a colaborat si cu nimeni alta decat Regina Muzicii Pop – Madonna, pentru Bitch I\’m Madonna

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