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Ricky Martin are o rezidenta la Las Vegas

Ricky Martin se alatura vedetelor care vor avea propria rezidenta la Las Vegas si va fi si primul artist latino care are un astfel de show. Cantaretul a deszvaluit ca va spectacolul va include toate hiturile care l-au facut faimos si va fi o adevarata desfasurare de forte nu doar pentru echipa sa, dar si pentru cei prezenti in sala.

Livin\’ La Vida Loca,\’ \’Shake Your Bon-Bon,\’ \’She Bang,\’ we\’re going to do some Spanish hits as well, and at the end \’La Diosa Del Carnaval.\’ That’s what my shows are about. At the end of the day, I tell people you have to forget about all the issues in life and allow yourself to be free for the next hour, a declarat Ricky Martin.

The last 25 minutes of the show is cardiovascular; people dance. Everybody’s all dressed up and all I say, \’Take your shoes off! Just dance and forget about it.\’ No one will judge you so just be, and that’s what the show is about.

Showurile lui Ricky Martin vor incepe pe 5 aprilie si vor tine pana pe 23 septembrie, iar el sa alatura astfel unei liste in crestere de artisti tineri, inca in varful carieristic, care au ajuns sa aiba o rezidenta la Las Vegas. Britney Spears a dat startul, urmand exemplul unor artisti vechi in industria muzicala: Elton John, Cher sau Celine Dion. Dupa aceea, au urmat Jennifer Lopez, Mariah Carey si, cel mai recent, Backstreet Boys.

Ce ziceti, ati vrea sa il vedeti in aceste concerte pe Ricky Martin?

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