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Taylor Swift in scandal cu Apple: „Nu am cerut iPhone-uri gratis”

Taylor Swift intra in razboi cu Apple si denunta planurile acestora de a nu plati artistii vreme de trei luni pentru noul serviciu de streaming Apple Music. Sa fie vorba de integritate artistica sau o dorinta acerba de a nu pierde bani?


Taylor Swift a postat pe contul ei de Tumblr o scrisoare dedicata corporatiei Apple ce incepe cu Pentru Apple, cu dragoste, Taylor si continua cu aprecierea ei pentru felul in care acestia au schimbat industria muzicala si ii denunta, ii ataca si ii pune la pamant pentru planurile lor de a nu plati artistii pentru primele trei luni de Apple Music.

Povestea nu e tocmai simpla dar pe scurt suna cam asa: Apple lanseaza un serviciu de streaming – Apple Music – si ofera utilizatorilor 3 luni de gratuitate pentru a incerca noul concept si a deveni utilizatori fideli – pe principiul: testing before buying, sa stii ce cumperi si sa ai timp sa te hotarasti. In aceste trei luni, Apple planuieste sa nu plateasca artistii difuzati iar asta a suparat-o foarte tare pe Taylor Swift care a fost anul trecut in razboi cu Spotify asupra unor neintelegeri legate tot de bani.

In ceea ce priveste povestea lui Taylor, ea ar fi profund afectata din punct de vedere financiar pentru ca isi scrie singura versurile si muzica asa ca ar pierde o multime de bani din buzz-ul Apple. Ceea ce mentioneaza ea in scrisoare este ca Apple are indeajuns de multi bani incat sa plateasca artistii pentru cele trei luni. 

Sa nu uitam, se numeste SHOW BIZZ – vine de la SHOW BUSINESS. Pana la urma, muzica e o afacere iar Swift nu e dispusa sa faca nimic fara bani. Si baga la inaintare toti artistii din lume. Scrisoarea a devenit deja virala si aduce prejudicii mari serviciului Apple pe care Taylor il discrediteaza sigur dar elegant.

Partea cea mai smart din scrisoare suna cam asa: Trei luni e o perioada lunga sa nu fii platit si nu e corect sa ceri cuiva sa lucreze pe degeaba. O spun cu dragoste, cu reverenta si admiratie pentru toate celelate lucruri pe care Apple le-a facut. Sper ca in curand voi putea sa ma alatur in acest nou pas catre un model de streaming ce poate fi corect pentru cei ce creaza muzica. Cred ca aceasta ar putea fi platforma care face lucrurile corect. Insa o spun catre Apple cu tot respectul, nu e prea tarziu sa schimbati regulile si mintile celor din industrie care vor fi profund si foarte afectati de decizia voastra. Nu am cerut iPhone-uri gratis. Va rugam,  nu ne cereti sa va dam muzica gratis.

 To Apple, Love Taylor

I write this to explain why I’ll be holding back my album, 1989, from the new streaming service, Apple Music. I feel this deserves an explanation because Apple has been and will continue to be one of my best partners in selling music and creating ways for me to connect with my fans. I respect the company and the truly ingenious minds that have created a legacy based on innovation and pushing the right boundaries.
I’m sure you are aware that Apple Music will be offering a free 3 month trial to anyone who signs up for the service. I’m not sure you know that Apple Music will not be paying writers, producers, or artists for those three months. I find it to be shocking, disappointing, and completely unlike this historically progressive and generous company.

This is not about me. Thankfully I am on my fifth album and can support myself, my band, crew, and entire management team by playing live shows. This is about the new artist or band that has just released their first single and will not be paid for its success. This is about the young songwriter who just got his or her first cut and thought that the royalties from that would get them out of debt. This is about the producer who works tirelessly to innovate and create, just like the innovators and creators at Apple are pioneering in their field…but will not get paid for a quarter of a year’s worth of plays on his or her songs.
These are not the complaints of a spoiled, petulant child. These are the echoed sentiments of every artist, writer and producer in my social circles who are afraid to speak up publicly because we admire and respect Apple so much. We simply do not respect this particular call.
I realize that Apple is working towards a goal of paid streaming. I think that is beautiful progress. We know how astronomically successful Apple has been and we know that this incredible company has the money to pay artists, writers and producers for the 3 month trial period… even if it is free for the fans trying it out.
Three months is a long time to go unpaid, and it is unfair to ask anyone to work for nothing. I say this with love, reverence, and admiration for everything else Apple has done. I hope that soon I can join them in the progression towards a streaming model that seems fair to those who create this music. I think this could be the platform that gets it right.
But I say to Apple with all due respect, it’s not too late to change this policy and change the minds of those in the music industry who will be deeply and gravely affected by this. We don’t ask you for free iPhones. Please don’t ask us to provide you with our music for no compensation.

Daca am fi tradus aceasta scrisoare, si-ar fi pierdut foarte mult din sens asa ca am rezumat-o mai sus. Tinand cont de faptul ca Swift este unul dintre cei mai influenti oameni din lume in 2015, s-ar putea ca Apple sa aiba mult de pierdut.


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