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Jessie Ware – Alone (videoclip nou)

Jessie Ware se pregateste de lansarea unui nou album si ne ofera videoclipul pentru Alone. E un clip de imagine, filmat in Eltham Palace, la Londra, iar vizualul e foarte reusit.

Alone este o piesa despre cum maternitatea a schimbat relatia pe care o are cu sotul ei: “motherhood has changed my relationship with my husband because there’s a new person in the equation and they’re more important than either of you. ‘Alone‘ was about me focusing on my husband and admitting that we’re not perfect, but at the end of it all, he’s still the one that I want and I need. Sometimes we just need to tell each other that.”

Noul album semnat de Jessie Ware va aparea pe 20 octombrie, fiind cel de-al treilea material de studio al artistei britanice. Glasshouse va include colaborari cu Julia Michaels, Ed Sheeran si Cashmere Cat, lansarea acestuia fiind precedata de aparitia unor piese ca Midnight si Selfish Love. Jessie Ware a devenit cunoscuta in 2012 cand am ascultat-o cu Wildest Moments, Night Light si Imagine It Was Us, pentru ca apoi sa revina cu Say You Love Me sau Champagne Kisses

Cum vi se pare noul ei videoclip?



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