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Loco Dice @ Club Midi Cluj-Napoca (interviu)


Loco Dice vine pentru a treia oara in Club Midi din Cluj-Napoca in cadrul unui eveniment promovat de Monden.Info. Petrecerea va avea loc vineri, 27 noiembrie, iar in deschidere va mixa duo-ul romanesc Livio & Roby.

Mai jos puteti citi si un scurt interviu cu Loco Dice realizat de Gabi Aldea, PR-ul clubului Midi:


You’ve started as a hip hop DJ. How was this transitions over the years ?

The transition didn’t take years. When it happened, when I realized the vitality and creativity of the house scene back then, I was hooked.

We’ve noticed your presence on major social networks like facebook, myspace and twitter and also we saw a blog. Nowadays many djs are present on these and also very active, some of them are quite addicted. What’s your opinion about them ?

I use those channels to keep in touch with my friends and fans, keeping them updated, letting them know what’s going on. Blog gives me the possibility to instantly act and comment things, say thanks to clubers and promoter for some amazing nights etc. We live in a world where information is spread very fast and from that point of view I really enjoy it. But for me it’s not a replacement for club nights, meeting people in real (…) – it’s just an extension of possibilities.

You’ve been at Club Midi for 2 times now. What do you think about the club, how do you feel among the romanian party people and how would you put the club on the electronic music clubs world map ?

It’s always great to see passion invested in the club – from the staff and the crowd – which makes you feel really good at the time being there and motivates you to do your best. The crowd knows how to party but the crowd also knows the music – and when the mixture is right, Midi nights are definitely one of the best I’ve experienced.

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