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Amy Winehouse isi bate sotul

UPDATE: Ce s-a intamplat de fapt. Citez Amy Winehouse: “Blake is the best man in the world. We would never ever harm each other. Take back what you said on the blog. I thought you was my girl. I was cutting myself after he found me in our room about to do drugs with a call girl and rightly said I wasn’t good enough for him. I lost it and he saved my life.”

Postul initial: O stiti pe Amy Winehouse, sunt sigura. Stiti voi, cea care canta they tried to make me go to rehab but I said no no no… De va povesteam eu acu vreo 2 saptamani ca pana la urma tot a ajuns la rehab din cauza ca a luat o supradoza, si si-a amanat tot turneul din SUA de luna viitoare. Ei bine, ea si sotul ei Blake s-au luat la o mica bataie azi noapte, dupa o alta portie obisnuita de droguri. El a iesit sifonat rau, iar ea cica oricum mai obisnuia sa se maltrateze singura… Ma rog, intr-un final si-au revenit. Se pare ca Amy Winhouse si Blake sunt viitorii Whitney Houston si Bobby. /:)

Amy Winehouse & Blake

Amy Winhouse & Blake - fight

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