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John Legend – Love in the Future (tracklist, coperta album)

Mai sunt doar doua luni pana cand noul album John Legend va fi lansat, iar astazi cantaretul ne ofera tracklistul oficial pentru Love in the Future. Cele 16 piese includ si cele doua single-uri lansate pana acum – Who Do We Think We Are si Made to Love.

Pentru acest album, continuarea discului Evolver lansat in 2008, John Legend a lucrat cu Kanye West si Dave Tozer si va fi lansat oficial pe 3 septembrie. Pe langa colaborarea cu Rick Ross si Stacy Barthe, varianta deluxe include si o colaborare cu Seal.

Iata si tracklistul complet:

1. “Love in the Future (Intro)
2. “The Beginning…”
3. “Open Your Eyes”
4. “Made to Love”
5. “Who Do We Think We Are” feat. Rick Ross
6. “All of Me”
7. “Hold on Longer”
8. “Save the Night”
9. “Tomorrow”
10. “What If I Told You? (Interlude)”
11. “Dreams”
12. “Wanna Be Loved”
13. “Angel (Interlude)” feat. Stacy Barthe
14. “You & I (Nobody in the World)”
15. “Asylum”
16. “Caught Up”
Deluxe Version Bonus Tracks

17. “So Gone”
18. “We Loved It” feat. Seal
19. “Aim High”
20. “For the First Time”

Despre acest nou disc, John Legend a declarat ca el si echipa au intrat in fiecare zi in studio cu scopul de a crea ceva frumos, pentru a realiza cel mai bun album din cariera sa.

I’m so excited to release this project. I’ve thoroughly enjoyed making this album with a team of incredibly gifted producers and co-writers. Every day we went to the studio with the goal to create something beautiful, to make the best album of my career. After all the writing and arranging and re-mixing and editing, it’s finally time for the world to hear it.

Who Do We Think We Are a fost primul single lansat de Legend, insa nu s-a bucurat de prea mare succes. In plus, clipul a fost blocat de Youtube pe motive de nuditate, iar o varianta mai cuminte a fost urcata. Made to Love este noul single promovat, la care Legend a filmat deja clipul si l-am putut urmari live la Good Morning America.

Care piesa va trezeste interesul de pe acest album? Credeti ca Legend va reusi sa vina cu noi hituri?

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