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Arctic Monkeys – Arabella (videoclip NSFW)

Dupa succesul urias de la Brit Awards, Arctic Monkeys lanseaza videoclipul Arabella de pe albumul anului trecut: AM.

De pe albumul AM lansat anul trecut, Alex Turner si colegii sai de la Arctic Monkeys lanseaza pe 10 martie single-ul Arabella ce include si un videoclip cu imagini de la o petrecere salbatica filmata in alb-negru ce are loc intr-o casa. Include femei topless asa ca este NSFW.

Videoclipul vine la cateva zile dupa Brit Awards 2014 unde Arctic Monkeys a sustinut un show legendar cu doua litere de foc uriase ce le-au energizat showul si i-a ajutat sa creasca vanzarile cu 120% imediat dupa eveniment.


Arabella este al cincilea single promovat de British Album of the Year. AM a castigat doua trofee Brit Awards si cinci trofee NME Awards. Daca nu ai vazut showul de la Brit Awards 2014, il gasesti AICI! Solistul a avut un discurs de multumire memorabil in care a aruncat microfonul si a vorbit despre cum muzica rock\’n\’roll nu va muri niciodata:

That rock and roll, eh? That rock and roll, it just won\’t go away. It might hibernate from time to time, sink back into the swap. I think the cyclical nature of the universe in which it exists demands that acquiesce to some of its rules. But it’s always waiting there, just around the corner, ready to make its way back through the sludge and smash through the glass ceiling, looking better than ever. Yeah, that rock and roll, it seems like it’s faded away sometimes, but it will never die. And there’s nothing you can do about it.

Va reusi Arabella sa ajunga pe buzele fanilor la fel de mult precum R U Mine?

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