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Cei mai tari artisti noi pentru 2015!

Noile voci ale tinerei generatii stau la loc de mandrie pe coperta de februarie V Magazine! Care sunt cei patru artisti care ne promit ca vor face legea in 2015?


Incepand cu o declaratie care ridica multe intrebari despre personajele in cauza, aparitia lui Sam Smith in V Magazine este promovata cu o replica in care spune ca a tot staruri pop care sunt ingrozitoare in spatele scenei. Prilejul interviului este succesul din 2014 si planul urias de promovare pe care artistul il are pentru urmatoarele 12 luni.

V Magazine dedica inca un numar muzicii si aduce vocile SOUL cele mai noi si cele mai apreciate, cele mai promitatoare forte muzicale ale momentului: Sam Smith, FKA Twigs, Tinashe si Jessie Ware.


Daca Sam Smith a devenit deja mainstream iarJessie Ware a reusit sa domine scena alternativa vreme de doi ani iar Tinashe este o mica printesa a R&B-ului in SUA, FKA Twigs este cea care mai are inca de demonstrat ca poate sa faca fata topurilor si publicului. Incepe 2015 cu un feedback extraordinar din partea hipsterilor/a trendsetterilor si a criticilor si o relatie cu Robert Pattinson care i-a adus multa publicitate.


V MAGAZINE: You were in a choir when you were young. Did that factor into your music?

FKA TWIGS: I went to St. Edward’s, in Gloucestershire, and I was in choirs. When it was cold and raining, we’d go to rehearsal and learn about harmonies and dynamics. I’ve never been into the typical R&B voice, with runs and bluesy sounding words. That doesn’t suit me. As a ballet dancer, I grew up with classical music. I’m not a classical musician, but I like the way the music pays attention to dynamics.

What you gravitate toward has little to do with mainstream R&B, or whatever alternative R&B is.

FKA: If I say “alternative red” to you, it’s not red, is it? “Alternative R&B” is patronizing to R&B. R&B is R&B—it doesn’t need an alternative. There are plenty of artists now experimenting with electronic music, manipulating sounds. We can make a train into a synth. We can make drips into hi-hats. I can record sounds on my phone and make a song out of a city. I don’t know what that has to do with R&B.

In some of your songs, it’s not apparent where the downbeat is.

FKA: A famous artist said something to me about dancing. When you look at people dancing, it looks like some of them have no rhythm. But how can that be? When people dance around the beat, they might have a higher understanding of rhythm, the way dogs hear sounds that we can’t.

At your Webster Hall show, I saw fragments of New York ballroom dancing in your movement. Do you choreograph that or just freestyle?

FKA: I spent my early years as a backup dancer, doing moves that didn’t resonate. So I don’t choreograph now. There are moments in the set where I have go-to moves, but everything else is improvised.


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