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Cum arata Katy Perry cand canta cu o trupa rock?

Zilele acestea internetul vuieste datorita unei filmari cu Katy Perry in rolul de backup singer pentru o trupa metal. Stim cu totii ca Miss Perry nu a fost vedeta din prima, dar aceasta noua descoperire ne-a impresionat.

Formatia in cauza e POD, trupa foarte cunoscuta, apreciata si difuzata la inceputul anilor 2000, de altfel si de cand dateaza aceasta filmare cu o Katy Perry ascunsa in spate si imbracata modest. Totusi, cei de la POD s-au aratat foarte suparati de felul in care jurnalistii au tratat subiectul si au precizat ca Perry a fost mult mai mult decat o backup singer si ca merita mai mult respect:

This is revisionist history and disrespectful to our girl Katy Perry who was NEVER a backup singer … We invited her to participate on our record as she was and is still is one of the few pop artists with strong musicianship roots … She paid her dues not as a backup singer but in a van going town to town. This is the problem with music journalism today … Shabby reporting. No research. No history.

Solistul P.O.D. a vorbit despre Katy Perry intr-un interviu in 2012, spunand ca au descoperit-o in studioul de inregistrari si cum au fost prieteni si au petrecut timp impreuna.

When we did that song “Goodbye for Now,” we’re like, you know what would be cool is if we just got a cool female vocal,” Sonny recalls. “And he’s [producer Glen Ballard] like, ‘I got just the perfect person.’ And here comes little Katy Perry. She’s a little studio rat, she’d just come around, and such a sweet girl. You could tell she came from a good family, and just wanted to show the Jesus tattoo on her wrist, and she was like, ‘I think I saw you guys in a youth rally so many years ago.’ I’m like, ‘That’s so cool.’ But here she was in Hollywood trying to do her thing and make her career.”

“We’re good friends with her, she’d hang out all the time. She did Jay Leno with us and a couple of other TV shows, and we’d always see her in and out of Hollywood just networking and stuff. And who’d have ever guessed she’d be one of the biggest pop stars in the world right now?”

Intr-adevar, Katy Perry a ajuns departe – e una dintre cele mai mari staruri pop ale planetei, iar zilele in care era in turneu cu autocarul si canta prin sali de sport s-au dus. A facut show la Superbowl, ocazie cu care a adus cea mai mare audienta a showului din pauza meciului de fotbal, are peste 11 milioane de albume si peste 81 de milioane de single-uri vandute in intreaga lume si continua sa fie inclusa in topul celor mai bine platite celebritati.

Ce ziceti de aceasta transformare?



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