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Ed Sheeran – Bibia Be Ye Ye (videoclip nou)

Ed Sheeran a fost in vacanta in Ghana anul trecut si pentru ca e inca vara si inca avem chef de dansat si de party, cantaretul s-a gandit sa ne ofere drept cadou cadre din vacanta sa impreuna cu o noua piesa Bibia Be Ye Ye.

In mesajul postat pe Facebook in care anunta lansarea acestui videoclip, Ed Sheeran precizeaza ca nu e un single si ne invita sa vizitam taramul Ghanei.

Since it’s summer I wanted to put out a video for Bibia Be Ye Ye that was made by a fantastic director called Gyo Gyimah and all filmed in Ghana. I visited Ghana last year to make music with Fuse ODG and @killabeatzgh and whilst there was exposed to such wonderful culture, food, music and scenery. Me and Fuse wanted to showcase all of these things in a music video to show off the beauty of it. This isn\’t a single, but it’s the summer, and why not have a summer song come out with a feel good video for people to enjoy. Also make sure you visit Ghana, it’s incredible. Enjoy the video !x

Ed Sheeran a reusit sa domine toate topurile muzicale cu single-urile incluse pe cel mai nou album al sau, Multiply. Cantaretul ne-a adus in pragul obsesei cu Shape of You, dar si cu Castle on the Hill. Cantaretul s-a bucurat de un asemenea succes incat a reusit sa stranga miliardul de ascultari pe serviciile de streaming.

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