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Interviu cu Armin van Buuren: „Voi prezenta o multime de lucruri noi in spectacolul de la Bucuresti”

Cu doar doua saptamani inaintea celui mai asteptat eveniment dance al anului la Bucuresti, Armin Only Intense, am avut ocazia sa stam de vorba cu nimeni altul decat artistul (caci DJ e mult prea putin spus) care se afla in centrul spectacolului pe care urmeaza sa il vedem pe 8 noiembrie, Armin van Buuren.

Are deja 15 ani de cand calatoreste in toata lumea pentru a-si prezenta muzica in fata fanilor sai, 2 copii, cateva labeluri pe care le conduce, dar toate acestea nu il opresc sa evolueze si sa ne aduca mereu ceva nou atat in difuzoare, cat si sub ochii nostri. Fata de gigurile sale obisnuite unde mixeaza doar cateva ceasuri de obicei ca headliner, Armin Only: Intense este un spectacol complet in cadrul caruia Armin van Buuren mixeaza incepand cu secunda 0 a serii, aducand pe parcursul celor aproximativ 6 ore pe scena de zeci de metri si in fata ecranului imens vocalisti live, dansatori, instrumentisti, artificii, baloane uriase si tot felul de alte lucruri pentru o seara… intensa!


Interviu cu Armin van Buuren (limba engleza)

Traducerea in limba romana a interviului o gasiti in josul paginii.

1. Armin, you coming to ROMANIA again. How do you feel?
I am really excited, because I love the audience there. The crowd is always on frenzy. I usually go there with a DJ set and support acts, but now it will be completely different – I will be all alone behind the desk surrounded by amazing singers, dancers, musicians and acrobats. This is something like a big Christmas present with Armin van Buuren.
2. What type of fans are the Romanian trance people?
(Laughing) They rock! I see excitement in people’s eyes and I can see they have fun at the shows I do in Romania. As long as I remember, we had a really bad weather in our last ARMIN Only show there – raining all night long, but not a single fan left. They stayed till the end and now I owe them a BIG return. I know the tickets for the “Intense” show are not cheap, but I can promise you – This will be a night to remember!
3. How did you decide to call your show ARMIN ONLY Intense?
As I already mentioned, I am the only Dj in the show, that’s why it’s called Armin Only. I play 6-hour non-stop Dj set but this is not the basis of the show, it’s just a freestyle. The idea of calling it Intense came across my mind while getting down with an elevator in a hotel in Ibiza. Suddenly the whole idea for the show flashed on me, because I thought of my life and how intensive it is – I take care of two wonderful children and my wife as well and I keep on travelling around the world. The other reason for the name is the new album which is intensively emotional. I thought I was living under permanent stress and fatigue, but honestly this is the life I want to live – intense. According to me, everything you do in life, you must do it devotedly, with love and of course, with strong passion.
4. The production is massive and you are going to travel around half of the world. Is it easy to prepare such a tour?
It’s pretty difficult actually, but very funny meanwhile (laughing). You must take hard decisions, which is equivalent to lots of nerves, energy and tension for all those who are involved. For example, I work with a theatre director for the show and the people around me say: “Hey, aren’t we good enough for you to need an extra person like him?”. In response, I answer: “No, of course you are a great team but I need someone who is experienced and meanwhile someone who is out of the music business”. For such a massive show like this one, we were obliged to know things we didn’t know before. To be honest, I have never seen such a spectacle, but if I go to theatre and watch the actors and singers going on stage, I would really like those participating in my show to act the same. It’s not like us, the DJs , taking the microphone and simply saying: “Hey, people, let’s have fun”. When there is a singer on stage, everything must be nifty and precise. From the very beginning I knew it must be like this and I convinced my people that this is the right method for this show particularly. During the spectacle, my voice is behind scence, not someone else’s.

5. The tour started in the end of the autumn last year in Amsterdam. How was it so far?

Pretty well I must say. The tickets for the shows were sold out for most of the shows. In the Netherlands there were 4 dates announced, after which we went on world tour including India, Russia, Argentina, Brazil, Australia, Mexico, Bulgaria and here we are in ROMANIA. The people loved the spectacle and I can say it touched their hearts. Actually I remember that a lot of Romanian fans were in Sofia and if I may reveal a little secret for them – the Bucharest show will have a little extra at the end.
6. Is there any time left to create music?
Oh, yes, of course. There are lots of new songs, plus there is a new boy participating. I am going to present few new things in front of the Romanian fans as well.

7. As a person who is actively engaged in music, how would you describe its meaning to you?
According to me everything begins with the music and the people are of greatest importance. Dance music is pretty interactive, it evolves no matter you like it or not. Personally, I have a strong sensation for trance music and I know what I do is right. Although my motto in life is: “Don’t be a prisoner of your own style”. I have the greatest job in the world (laughing). I cannot imagine doing something else.
8. You have a wife and two little children. Do you miss them while there are far from you?
I always miss them, so much. But I am really glad and grateful there is Skype. I try to spend as more time with my family as possible. My team usually arrives earlier than me because I want to spend  as many  hours as I can  with my children and wife who does sport every Thursday. This is when I take care of the children by myself. I put to sleep my daughter and son which is such a pleasure to me. The balance in life is most important. They are the ones who give me strength and motivation to work.
9. If you could become embodied in a superhero, what would be your extraordinary powers?
(Laughing) To erase all the diseases and poverty in the world!
Recent reconfirmat in Top 100 DJ Mag 2014 ca fiind cel mai apreciat DJ trance din lume, Armin van Buuren ne-a dezvaluit in interviul acordat in exclusivitate pentru ca ne pregateste pentru 8 noiembrie lucruri extra, piese noi si cateva schimbari in cadrul spectacolui in comparatie cu ce am putut vedea la Armin Only Intense Sofia, unde am realizat fotografiile cu care am ilustrat acest material.

Nu uitati ca show-ul incepe la ora 8:00! De asemenea, pentru cei care nu au deja tochet, bilete gasiti in reteaua Eventim, incepand cu 150 lei/bucata.

Sunteti pregatiti pentru un spectacol Intense?


Traducere interviu cu Armin van Buuren

1. Armin, vii in Romania din nou. Cum te simti?
Abia astept pentru ca imi place publicul de aici. Multimea e mereu frenetica. De obicei vin aici cu un DJ set, dar de aceasta data va fi complet diferit. Voi fi singur in spatele pupitrului inconjurat de vocalisti, dansatori, muzicieni si acrobati extraordinari. Va fi ca un cadou de Craciun cu Armin van Buuren.
2. Ce fel de fani sunt trancerii din Romania?
(Razand) Sunt tari! Vad incantarea in ochii oamenilor si pot sa imi dau seama ca se distreaza la show-urile pe care le fac in Romania. Din cate in amintesc, am avut o vreme foarte rea la ultimul show Armin Only din Romania. A plouat toata noaptea, insa niciun fan nu a plecat. Au stat pana la final si acum le datorez o intoarcere pe cinste. Stiu ca biletele pentru show-ul Intense nu sunt foarte ieftine, dar va promit ca va fi o seara memorabila!
3. Cum te-ai decis sa iti intitulezi show-ul Armin Only Intense?
Asa cum deja am mentionat, sunt singurul DJ din spectacol, acesta fiind motivul pentru care este intitulat Armin Only. Am un set non-stop de 6 ore, dar nu asta este baza spectacolului, e freestyle. Ideea de a-l numi Intense mi-a venit in timp ce coboram cu liftul intr-un hotel din Ibiza. Dintr-o data, toata ideea pentru show mi-a aparut in minte deoarece m-am gandit la viata mea si cat de intensa este – am grija de doi copii superbi ca sotia mea si continui sa calatoresc in toata lumea. Celalalt motiv este numele noului album care este foarte emotional. Credeam ca traiesc permanent in stres si oboseala, dar sincer asta e viata pe care vreau sa o traiesc – intensa. Dupa mine, tot ce faci in viata trebuie sa faci cu devotament, cu dragoste si, desigur, cu o puternica pasiune.
4. Productia e colosala si calatoresti cu ea in toata lumea. E usor sa pregatesti un asemenea turneu?
E destul de dificil, dar foarte amuzant in acelasi timp (razand). Trebuie sa iei decizii grele, echivalente cu o multime de nervi, energie si tensiune pentru cei implicati. De exemplu, lucrez cu un regizor pentru spectacol si lumea din jurul meu spune: “Hei, nu suntem destul de buni pentru tine pentru a mai lua o persoana ca el in plus?” Le raspund “Nu, sigur ca sunteti o echipa extraordinara dar am nevoie de cineva care are experienta si in acelasi timp de cineva care este din afara industriei muzicale”. Pentru un asemenea spectacol, suntem obligati sa stim lucruri pe care nu le stiam inainte. Ca sa fiu sincer, nu am mai vazut un asemenea spectacol, dar daca ma duc la teatru si ma uit la actorii si cantaretii de pe scena, vreau ca cei care participa in spectacolul meu sa evolueze la fel. Nu e ca la noi, DJ-ii, care luam microfonul si pur si simplu spunem “Hei, toata lumea, hai sa ne distram”. Cand e un vocalist pe scena, totul trebuie sa fie precis. De la inceput stiam ca trebuie sa fie asa si mi-am convins oamenii ca aceasta este metoda corecta pentru acest show. In timpul spectacolului, vocea mea e pe fundal, nu a altcuiva.
5. Turneul a inceput la sfarsitul toamnei anului trecut in  Amsterdam. Cum a fost pana acum?
Destul de bine pot spune. Biletele s-au vandut complet pentru majoritatea show-urilor. In Olanda au fost 4 spectacole anuntate, dupa care am plecat in turneu in tari precum India, Rusia, Argentina, Brazilia, Australia, Mexico, Bulgaria si iata-ne acum venind in Romania. Oamenilor le-a placut spectacolul si pot spune ca le-a atins inimile. Chiar imi amintesc ca o multime de fani romani au fost in Sofia si daca ar fi sa le dezvalui un secret – spectacolul de la Bucuresti va avea ceva extra la sfarsit.
6. Iti mai ramane timp pentru a produce muzica?
O, da, desigur. Sunt o gramada de piese noi, plus un nou baiat care participa. Voi prezenta cateva lucruri noi in fata fanilor din Romania.
7. Ca persoana implicata activ in muzica, cum ai putea descrie sensul ei pentru tine?
Dupa parerea mea, totul incepe cu muzica si oamenii sunt cei mai importanti. Muzica dance e destul de interactiva, evolueaza indiferent daca iti place sau nu. Personal, am o senzatie puternica pentru muzica trance si stiu ca ceea ce fac e bine. In acelasi timp, motto-ul meu este: “Nu fi prizonierul propriului stil”. Am cel mai tare loc de munca din lume (razand). Nu ma pot imagina facand altceva,
8. Ai o sotie si doi copii. Iti este dor de ei cand se afla departe de tine?
Mereu imi este foarte dor de ei. Dar sunt foarte bucuros si recunoscator ca exista Skype. Incerc sa petrec cat mai mult timp cu familia. Echipa mea soseste de obicei mai devreme decat mine deoarece vreau sa petrec cat mai multe ore cu copiii si sotia care face sport in fiecare joi. Atunci am grija de copii singur. Imi pun la somn fiica si fiul, lucru care este o mare placere pentru mine. Echilibrul in viata e cel mai important. Ei sunt cei care imi dau putere si motivatie sa lucrez.
9. Daca te-ai putea reincarna intr-un erou, care ar fi puterile tale extraordinare?
(Razand) Sa elimin toate bolile si saracia din lume! 

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