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Kelly Clarkson lanseaza un Best Of si un nou single

Dupa cinci albume de succes Kelly Clarkson a hotarat ca e momentul sa lanseze o compilatie best of, Greatest Hits – Chapter 1. Materialul include si un nou single, Catch My Breath, programat sa apara oficial pe 16 octombrie.

Greatest Hits- Chapter 1 va fi lansat pe 16 noiembrie, la zece ani de cand Kelly Clarkson a castigat prima editie a emisiunii American Idol. Materialul va include cele mai iubite si de succes piese ale cantaretei, probabil The Trouble With Love Is, Since U Been Gone, Behind These Hazel Eyes sau My Life Would Suck Without You.

Despre noua piesa Catch My Breath cantareata a spus:

To celebrate the strength and longevity that my fans, friends, and family have supported me with I wrote this song \’Catch my Breath\’ with one of my best friends that has seen me through everything.

his song represents who I\’ve been, what I\’ve felt, and where I\’m headed.a s not only an artist but as a 30 year old that is now smart enough to know that it’s time to stop, catch my breath, and be proud of not only what has been accomplished but of all the people that have helped me become the woman I am today.

Catch My Breath a fost scrisa impreuna cu Jason Halbert, colaborator indelungat al cantaretei si prieten apropiat, alaturi de Eric Olson pe partea de versuri.

Kelly Clarkson s-a clasat din nou in topuri anul acesta cu albumul Stronger, de pe care a lansat cateva piese foarte bune: Mr. Know It All, What Doesn\’t Kill You, si cel mai recent single, Dark Side.

Era cazul sa lanseze Kelly un best of?

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