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Kelly Clarkson – Piece by Piece (videoclip nou)

Kelly Clarkson vine cu un videoclip emotionant pentru noul ei single, Piece by Piece. Piesa promoveaza albumul cu acelasi nume, aparut la inceputul acestui an.

Piece By Piece e cel de-al treilea single promovat la multe luni dupa ultima lansare, Invincible fiind promovat in luna mai. In materialul video o vedem si pe fetita cantaretei, River Rose, intr-un moment cu adevarat adorabil. De altfel, Kelly Clarkson a declarat ca Piece by Piece e finalul fericit pentru Because of You:

It’s not the happiest story in the beginning, but it’s a real one that I decided to write after a conversation with my sister. “So many of us had to grow up without parents to model a healthy relationship for us, so we often get into dysfunctional relationships because it is what is familiar. We end up settling instead of being with someone who is worthy of our hearts and our time. We all deserve to feel worthy of love. We all deserve to be truly loved. This song is basically my past, present, and future. It’s my love letter celebrating and thanking my husband for being a man that knows how to love me and our children without expecting anything in return. Also, this is a promise to my kids that I will never cease to love them, and be present in their lives always.”

Primul single lansat de pe Piece By Piece a fost Heartbeat Song, lansat la inceputul anului si care a urcat pana pe primul loc in Dance Chart, pe pozitia a doua in Adult Contemporaty si pe locul 21 in Hot 100, marcand inca un succes pentru castigatoarea American Idol. Urmatoarea lansare a fost Invincible, care insa nu a avut vreun impact in Hot 100 si in topurile mai relevante. 

Ce ziceti de ideea de reveni cu un single dupa atata vreme? 

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