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Miley Cyrus – We Did Stop (The Government) – parodie

Miley Cyrus a facut glume pe seama ei si pe seama guvernului american la SNL. Cum a reusit artista sa uimeasca din nou? Prin auto-ironie si umor-bun!


Miley Cyrus a facut show la Saturday Night Live – a fost gazda emisiunii, a cantat hiturile sale si a luat parte in parodii si scenete ce vor ramane in istoria emisiunii.

Fosta Hannah Montana a tinut sa spuna de la inceput ca nu o vom vedea dand din fund – twerking – pentru ca acum ca oamenii albi au inceput sa o faca, a devenit cam penibil – o aluzie la unele vedete ce au zis acelasi lucru despre ea. Ne-a anuntat, mai in gluma, mai in serios, ca Hannah Montana a fost omorata si a vorbit si despre prestatia de la MTV VMA 2013, fiind imbracata in outfitul pe care l-a avut si pe scena.

Incepem Miley – live la SNL cu We Did Stop, o reinterpretare a videoclipului si piesei sale cu directie catre guvernul american si faptul ca statul a decis sa nu mai cheltuie bani. Mai jos aveti si versurile!


It’s our party
We can do what we want
It’s our party
We can say what we want
It’s our party
We can stop what we want
We can vote how we want
Defund what we want
Red states and sweaty bodies everywhere
Bill’s in the house like we don’t care
‘cause we came to shut it all down now
No government around now
If you’re not ready for health care
Can I get a “HELL, NO!”
‘Cause we’re gonna keep it out shut down a closed town all-round
So la da di da d
i Republican Party
Repping G.O.P.
Doing whatever we want
This is our house
This is our rules
And we did stop (the government)
Yeah, we did stop (shut it down)
Can’t you see it’s we
Who are right?
Can’t you see it’s we
Who ‘bout that life?
To my government workers on the furlough
Even though you’re already paid low
Remember only God can judge us
Forget the haters ‘cause somebody elected us
And everyone in line for early childcare
Anyone who planned to see a grizzly bear
We are all shut down here
Getting so shut down, yeah, yeah
So la da di da di
Republican Party
Repping G.O.P.
Doing whatever we want
This is our house
This is our rules
And we did stop
Yeah, we did stop
Can’t you see it’s we
Who are the right?
Can’t you see it’s we
Who ‘bout that life?
It’s our party
We can do what we want
It’s our party
We can say what we want
It’s our party
We can stop what we want
We can vote how we want
Defund what we want
Shut it down.

Pe langa asta, Miley a cantat si Wrecking Ball!

Cyrus a venit si cu o versiune acustica pentru We can\’t stop!

Artista promoveaza albumul Bangerz iar pentru asta a avut grija sa devina cel mai controversat nume din muzica la ora actuala. Recent, a aparut si pe coperta Rolling Stone in ipostaze obraznice si sexy. Recent, a plans pe scena – vezi AICI video!

BANGERZ, noul album Miley Cyrus, a fost lansat pe 4 octombrie si este un mix intre pop si hip-hop, un sound urban ce ne aminteste de Rihanna – de altfel, a folosit producatorii cu care aceasta a lucrat pe ultimul material. Sunt 13 piese noi printre care colaborari cu Britney Spears, Big Sean, Future sau Nelly.

Iti place Miley dupa toate scandalurile din ultima vreme?

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