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Missy Elliott vorbeste despre reintoarcerea in muzica

Missy Elliott nu a mai lansat un album de ceva vreme desi fanii tot asteapta ca ea sa se intoarca la muzica. Intr-un interviu acordat recent a vorbit despre motivele care o tin departe de business si cand va veni ce un nou material.

Rapperita a povestit putin despre cum asteptarile publicului si nu numai au crescut, iar muzica s-a schimbat si nu doreste sa lanseze ceva ce nu este special si nu da fanilor 100%.

I think everybody gets writer’s block, but I don\’t think that’s the situation. When I create something, it’s got to be special. And it can\’t just be throw something out there because I feel like I\’m Missy. I\’ve got to feel like what I\’m giving the fans is 100 percent and that it’s game-changing. I don\’t just throw out microwave records.

In plus, Missy Elliott a precizat ca pana acum se putea lansa un album foarte bun si apoi sa ai timp sa vii cu unul nou, insa acum lucrurile se misca foarte repede.

When you are creating to the magnitude that I try to create, your brain is like a computer sometimes. It needs to refresh… It didn\’t used to be like that. It used to be like your album was such a classic that it could go on for two years and then you drop another joint. But it’s now like this (snaps). But your brain needs time to refresh because things happen in your life where, you know, you can then write something else instead of the same three topics. Like, how many times are we going to talk about the club?

In 2012 Missy Elliott venea cu doua piese noi, ambele lucrate impreuna cu Timbaland. Totusi, albumul Block Party care ar fi fost prefatat de aceste doua singles nu a mai aparut. In schimb, Missy Elliott a acceptat sa apara pe una dintre piesele lansate de Little Mix, How Ya Doin?

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