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Pink e femeia anului 2013

Billboard a desemnat-o pe Pink drept femeia anului in muzica. Cantareata a fost aleasa in urma a ceea ce a reusit sa faca pana la jumatatea acestui an, fiind cu mult inaintea altor dive.

Conform editorului Billboard, atunci cand au aparut cifrele pentru acest an, Pink avea cel mai bine vandut album de catre o artista si un turneu international in arene ce au fost sold-out.  Anul acesta a fost foarte bun pentru Pink, incepand cu un premiu Grammy pentru The Truth About Love, album care a stat si pe locul intai in Billboard 200, iar odata cu Give Me a Reason a obtinut si cel de-al patrulea hit in varful Hot 100. Evident, si celelalte single-uri aflate pe albumul The Truth About Love au prins foarte bine in topurile Pop – Blow Me (One Last Kiss), Try,  True Love, iar la noi in tara, colaborarea cu Nate Ruess de la Fun. este inca intre cele mai difuzate piese straine. 


Despre alegerea sa drept femeia anului in muzica pe 2013, Pink nu a spus decat ca e foarte uimita si incantata ca radiourile, fanii si prietenii au fost alaturi de ea. 

I was absolutely shocked and surprised to hear that Billboard named me Woman of the Year, Pink said of the honor. It’s been an incredible year and I feel so grateful to radio for sticking by me, and to the fans and friends and all of the incredible talent that I was fortunate enough to work with for this album.

Odata cu acest anunt, ea a declarat si cateva lucruri despre showul pe care Miley Cyrus l-a facut la MTV VMA de anul acesta. Cantareata nu s-a aratat incantata de prestatia lui Miley, spunand ca aceasta poate mult mai mult si nu face altceva decat sa se pacaleasca singura punand in scena asemenea un spectacol. Pink a mai continuat declarant ca ea isi ia meseria foarte in serios, iar cand face ceva, o va face cu stil si creativitate, acuzand-o pe Miley ca poate mai mult si doar s-a rezumat la ceva facil.

I think it’s tacky. She’s really freaking talented.” “She’s beautiful. She can sing her ass off and to go up there and do that? She’s cheating herself and she’s cheating the rest of us…She can do what she wants. People can like it if they want. I’m not going to buy it. She can do better. I’ve seen her do better.”

“I’m a performer and I take my craft very, very seriously and I always try to evolve and be better and I never just kind of phone it in, because I believe if people are going to get up and get out of bed and go to work and spend their hard-earned money on me to entertain their family, I’m going to do it well. And, I’m going to do it interestingly and with class and creativity.”

Pink intra astfel intr-o categorie de artiste ce le include pe Katy Perry, Taylor Swift, Beyonce, Ciara sau Fergie.Ceremonia in care va primi acest premiu va avea loc pe 10 decembrie la New York.

Ce ziceti de premiul primit de Pink? Il merita?

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