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Shakira dezvaluie titlul noului disc

Shakira anunta titlul celui de-al optulea material de studio la care a lucrat in ultimii doi ani. Dupa un prim single alaturi de Rihanna, Can\’t Remember to Forget You, cantareata columbiana declara ca noul sau disc a ajutat-o sa se cunoasca mai bine.

Viitorul ei material, cu data de lansare 25 martie, se va intitula Shakira, un trend pe care l-am tot vazut in ultima perioada – Avril Lavigne, Demi Lovato, Beyonce, toate au ales sa isi intituleze albumele cu propriul nume. Se pare ca pentru Shakira, cantareata a lucrat cu Sia si Ne-Yo iar acest disc nu va fi conceptual, ca unele dintre precedentele materiale, dar se va invarti in jurul iubirii.

In plus, diva latino a declarat ca odata cu munca pentru Shakira a descoperit mai multe despre sine si ca va ramane mereu autentica si sincera. In plus, discul va include un pic de rock, un pic de folk, un pic de reggae si bineinteles dance.

Mai jos aveti scrisoarea pentru fani.

When the time came to put a name to this album…” / “Cuando llegó la hora de buscarle un título a este disco…” I’m so happy that I will soon be sharing my latest album with you all, something I’ve been working on for over two years now. The work on this album has spanned a very eventful time, with many ups and downs but ultimately, the happiest period in my life thus far, including the birth of my son. I’ve explored many different directions, worked with many different people, and written many, many demos before arriving at the finished product I will soon be presenting to you.

When the time came to put a name to this album, I realized that it’s not exactly a thematic album, though love is and always has been one of my main subjects and sources for inspiration. It’s also not necessarily conceptual, as some of my albums have been in the past.

In the end, what I realized is that throughout the course of creating this body of work, I learned a lot about myself. Though I didn’t realize it at the time, all the directions I began exploring in the initial phases of recording were helping to pave a path for me of rediscovery. In the end I realized that I will always be a little bit of everything and I don’t have to choose. I am sometimes extremely sensitive, sometimes upbeat, others dreamy and romantic, and even at times a little melodramatic. (Call it the Caribbean blood.) But always authentic and always sincere.

Most importantly, I am enough. Imperfections and all. So what I am offering you now is just that. Shakira.

Nothing more. A little bit of rock, a little bit of folk, a little reggae and naturally some dance–but as always, and above all, a lot of heart. I hope you enjoy.

Primul single lansat este Can\’t Remember to Forget You, un featuring cu Rihanna, care insa nu s-a bucurat de succesul pe care l-am fi asteptat de la o asemenea colaborare. Ieri am putut sa ascultam si varianta in spaniola – Nunca me acuerdo olvidarte.

Ce ziceti de titlul de album? Scrisoare Shakirei ce impresie va lasa?

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