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T-Pain – Don\’t You Quit (single nou)

Rapperul T-Pain domoleste auto-tune-ul pe noul single Don\’t You Quit de pe mixtape-ul Stoic ce va parea pe 30 septembrie.

T-Pain se intoarce cu un nou single intitulat “Don’t You Quit” , primul extras de pe mixtape-ul “Stoic” . Teddy a colaborat cu cei de la Yahoo pentru premiera acestui cantec in care uimitor nu foloseste atat de mult auto-tune-ul cu care ne-a obisnuit. Un nou imn dedicat dansatoarelor profesioniste, cantecul este plin de sunete electronice ametitoare.

Despre mixtape, T-Pain a declarat:

“You know me, I’m just all into motivation. That comes in all kinds of forms. So we just trying to venture out and make sure everybody get their piece of all of my motivation because I got a lot to give out. It’s got to be an anthem.”

Rapperul a mentionat ca negativul piesei a indicat directia in care au mers versurile.

“I just spit ‘em out. It wasn’t nothing I was trying to go into the studio and do. It wasn’t like I’m about to sit down and make an anthem, it just came out like that. I heard the beat and the song happened.”

Sa auzim si noi noul single T-Pain!

Don\’t You Quit va face parte din mixtape-ul lui T-Pain , care se numeste Stoic si reprezinta o persoana care este capabila sa indure multa durere fara a arata vreo emotie.

It’s pretty much everything I’m trying to do, however I want to do it, this is just total freedom for me right now.” a mai adaugat rapperul.

Fie ca a colaborat cu rapperi precum Pitbull pentru Hey Baby (Drop it on the floor) sau Busta Rhymes pentru Dance for me ,  fie ca a lansat piese mai soft precum 5 o\’clock feat Lily Allen, T-Pain a ramas constant in ceea ce priveste prezenta cantecelor sale pe ringurile de dans.

Ce parere aveti despre noul single, hit or miss? 

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