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The Chainsmokers – The One (piesa noua)

The Chainsmokers mai au putin pana cand ne vor oferi albumul Memories: Do Not Open, asa ca ne mai ofera inca o piesa de pe acest material. The One are acelasi sound pe care il stim, dar fata de alte piese lansate pana acum pare destul de uitabila.

The One aduce putin a sound-ul Paris si daca tot ii stim pe cei de la The Chainsmokers drept creatori de hituri pop, pe acest track lasa productia intr-o zona mai chill, in care scopul pare a fi mai degraba starea celui care asculta si nu dansatul si se pare ca este si una dintre piesele preferate ale baietilor.

  “Its one of our favorite songs on the album and tells a personal story in each verse,” The Chainsmokers said in a statement. “Not to get to into it right now but the whole album deals with experiences, memories and points of tension since drew and I started this crazy journey. ‘The One’ specifically is about two things, in the first verse is just about how much our life has changed recently, how we miss out and skip things as a result of putting this all first, and its just been sort of crazy realizing how deep we are in it now and how life is complicated. We constantly prioritize this life and as a result we are missing out on memories and moments with our friends and families, and how we sort of feel like shit about it sometimes (not that we don’t know how lucky we are). The other half deals with the idea of knowing a relationship is just over and isn’t working out but being too scared to end it, something we all can relate…”

The Chainsmokers au lua cu asalt piata muzicala inca de la hitul lor #Selfie, dar apoi au dominat topurile si playlisturile din lumea intreaga cu hiturile Roses, Don\’t Let Me Down, care le-a adus si un premiu Grammy pentru Best Dance Recording si Closer, care a fost primul lor single care sa ocupe prima pozitie in Hot 100. Intre timp, au lansat si Paris, dar si o super colaborare cu Coldplay la Something Just Like This.

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