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The Fast And The Furious va avea doua continuari?

Vin Diesel a spus pe FaceBook-ul sau urmatoarele vorbe:

„If 2009’s ‘Fast and Furious’ was chapter one, what writer Chris Morgan just delivered is Chapter 2 and chapter 3.

I have never been submitted a two story saga from a studio before… it is very exciting, and shows a commitment level that is hard not to respond to.

Excited about the sexy locations the filming of this sag…”

Ce intelegeti din asta? Pai va spunem noi :P… „The Fast And The Furious” va avea inca doua parti. Eu personal astept cu nerabdare continuarile, ca pe mine m-au prins toate patru pana acum.

Pentru a va reaminti ce a fost pana in momentul de fata:
The Fast and the Furious
2 Fast 2 Furious
The Fast and the Furious: Tokyo Drift
Fast and the Furious.

Oare ce nume vor avea urmatoarele doua parti?

Credit foto si multe informatii: AICI.

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