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Vama – Memories Now (videoclip nou si versuri)

Formatia Vama lanseaza astazi un nou videoclip pentru Memories Now, primul single de pe cel de-al treilea album al trupei.

Clipul a fost regizat de Gabriel Achim si prezinta povestea unor liceence care au parte de o zi de neuitat si reusesc astfel sa-si creeze amintiri de neuitat.

Chiaracesta este si mesajul piesei. Sa ne bucuram defiecare moment si sa-l facem o amintire de care sa ne aducem aminte cu drag peste ani si ani.

Vama – Memories Now
– versuri / lyrics –

There was a time when I walked the fringe of life
And if I\’m looking back I see all my regrets
Nothing stays, nothing lasts, see your future speeding past

Memories are all we
Memories are all we have
Time will blow everything away
Seize the beauty of life today
Memories are all we
Memories are all we have

I used to give away the meaning of today
My past has taught me how to live the here and now

Memories are all we
Memories are all we have
Time will blow everything away
Seize the beauty of life today
Memories are all we
Memories are all we have
Time will blow everything away
Seize the beauty of life today
Nothing stays, nothing lasts, see your future speeding past
Memories are all we
Memories are all we have

The future’s closer than it shows, just live the moment as it goes and do it beautifully it’s your only fortune
When our journey has no future ahead memories are all we have left
Nothing stays, nothing lasts, see your future speeding past

Memories are all we
Memories are all we have
Time will blow everything away
Seize the beauty of life today

Memories Now este primul single Vama in limba engleza dupa Bed For Love, piesa lansata chiar la debutul trupei in noua formula si dupa varianta in engleza a piesei Copilul care alearga catre mare.

Noul album Vama va fi lansat anul acesta si va contine piese doar in limba engleza si va fi produs de James Lewis.

Cum vi se pare noul lor single?

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