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Vezi cum a inregistrat Amy Winehouse Back to Black (video)

Documentarul despre viata lui Amy Winehouse apare la sfarsitul acestei saptamani, iar noi vedem unul dintre momentele emotionante ale peliculei – cel in care a inregistrat unul dintre hiturile sale – Back to Black.

Pe fundal il auzim pe Mark Ronson, producatorul alaturi de care Amy Winehouse a lucrat si care spune ca nu intelege de ce lumea o considera rasfatata. Mai mult, britanicul are un respect imens fata de felul in care Amy isi scria versurile:

The really respectful thing about the movie is you are reminded why she was famous in the first place—she was a genius, that’s the stuff even I can forget. I forget that when I played her the piano chords to ‘Back to Black,’ she wrote the lyrics in an hour. I was blown away; people just don’t write lyrics like that any more.”

 “It was just one of those serendipitous things. I just caught her at that magic moment, and she was just ready to get it going,” he says. “That’s why I couldn’t understand what everyone else was saying about this procrastinating, troubled artist.”

Documentarul Amy este regizat de acelasi om care a facut Senna, un alt film apreciat, si contine filmari din concerte si din viata ei personala, iar criticii deja au spus ca o vom redescoperi pe Amy Winehouse odata cu aceasta pelicula.

Mark Ronson si-a continuat cariera de productor de succes, iar anul acesta a dominat topurile cu piesa Uptown Funk, un super featuring cu Bruno Mars care a facut istorie in Billboard. Intre timp, a inceput sa promoveze si alte single-uri de pe albumul Uptown Special – Feel Right si I Can\’t Lose.

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