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Videoclip Mariah Carey – „Right To Dream”

A aparut un nou videoclip Mariah Carey, la piesa „Right To Dream„. Aceasta face parte de pe coloana sonora a filmului Tennessee, in care joaca si ea. Videoclipul contine secvente din film, combinate cu inregistrari cu ea din studio. Va grabiti sa vedeti filmul, sau credeti ca va fi la fel de mediocru ca si ‘Glitter‘?

Mariah a scris aceasta piesa impreuna cu Willie Nelson, si a declarat despre ea:
I was very close to the story and in particular my character’s struggle, so it made it easier for me as a writer. I just began channeling Krystal’s pain and hope. The song is basically a three-act play and chronicles the evolution of Krystal… She begins by telling us where she started, like she lays in bed and wonders where she left herself. A lot of people go through that sort of thing. It’s kind of about empowerment.

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