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Concert Opera Chaotique in Underworld Club!

Opera Chaotique, impreuna cu o serie de invitati va asteapta in Underworld Club din Bucuresti pentru o seara de alternative dark cabaret, joi, 24 mai 2012. Pregatiti-va pentru un show unic, cu pasaje de opera, jazz, cabaret, musical.. si multe altele.

An Alternative Dark Cabaret
In the middle of the 19th Century, in a dark haunted theater in the center of Paris, Tenorman performed the Phantom of the Opera & Voodoo Drummer played percussion in the orchestra. The show was a failure… 
So then they created Opera Chaotique, a unique show that is more than extraordinary, combining multiple genres of music such as Opera, Jazz, Cabaret, Musicals, that has already received exce…llent reviews from the European press.

Operatic singer and pianist Tenorman was singing only with big orchestras.The Voodoo Drummer was performing around the world with Jazz bands. Together now, they mixed two dissimilar genres ,Opera & Jazz.Challenging all the stereotypes they created a novel jazz-opera experience in an international Cabaret evening where characters of opera and musical fame found themselves in the streets of New Orleans

Opera Chaotique made their first performance in May 2011 & already has played successful concerts in the cities of Berlin, Barcelona, Athens, and Belgrade.
Specials: Tequila, Becherovka, Jaegermeister, Absinth si Special Shots la 5 Ron! All night Long!
ora 21:00
Intrarea 12 ron
Concert Opera Chaotique in Underworld Club, joi, pe 24 mai 2012! Ai mai fost la un concert – spectacol de genul asta?
Calendarul propune si alte concerte si petreceri

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